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Brief History:

The first meeting of the Rotary Club of Rosario was initiated by the late Past President Atty. Felicisimo Barbosa and Past President Cesar Toreja at the now demolished ABC Hall of Rosario. The subsequent meetings were always attended by PDG Mon Cumagun and Past President Mike Mendoza of the Rotary Club of Lipa South. The first formal induction of the Rotary Club of Rosario was held at Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati coinciding with the District Conference. There were 25 charter members inducted.
The club is currently renowned for its numerous school water systems introduced by Past District Secretary Armando Sandiego of District 3770. Past President Romy Briton spearheaded the Global Grant Projects Barangay Mayuro Water System Project and Barangay Lumbangan Water System Project which currently benefit about 500 households.

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